\n You need to be a member of the {{ network.short_name }} network to be able to see this content, but your request to join is still being reviewed.\n If you have any questions, please contact the support team.\n
\n \n
\n You need to be a member of the {{ network.short_name }} network to be able to see this content, but your request to join has been denied at this time.\n If you have any questions, please contact the support team.\n
\n \n
\n Please apply to join the {{ network.short_name }} network to be able to access resources, updates, and more.\n The network admin will review your request for membership.\n
\n \n
\n Please join the {{ network.short_name }} network to be able to access resources, updates, and more.\n
\n You're not authorized to see this content.\n {{ $t('this-is-a-private-network-membership-is-by-invitation-only-if-you-have-any-questions-please-contact-the-support-team') }}\n
\n \n \n Online preview of .{{ media.file_extension.toLowerCase() }} format is not supported. \n Please \n {{ $t('network.download') }} to view or convert to a supported format.\n \n